Monday, February 9, 2009


I'm in melbourne now. It was hot few days ago, but its cold these days. I really miss home, miss my family the most, and everyone in oc.

I thought I was really ready to go study overseas alone, but guess not. I miss them so much and I feel really sad. It's been a really long time since the last time I cried till now.

I won't be seeing my family in months and I'm already this sad. Imagine those who have lost their loved ones, they must be really really sad. But no matter what, we must stand strong as God will guide me and those away from their families to stand strong thru these period of time.

Classes starts tomorrow at 9am. its 15 mins to 11pm. Goodnight all.


  1. Gor, can change your background colour ah? Very red lah @@ Drink lots of water ah.

  2. don't be sad.

    you know what people say about time moving very fast. take care of yourself ya.

    we have sushi soon ;)

  3. hey adrian.. hehe, i agree with ur sis. =P change the colour... [try light pink (; ]

    it is definitely hard being away from home.. i'm still finding it tough... but in time, you'll feel better. i know everyone says that, but it's true. with every moment being such a blur, what ida said is true... before u know it, time has just flown by.. so,
    just take everyday as it is, and do ur best. (: smile more and do something u like.

    [u know, i have never seen this side of u b4.. i must have been quite a lousy friend... =X ]

    can't wait till we all meet again!! ): it's been such a long time!! )))):
