Tuesday, March 31, 2009

National Service

National Service is a program whereby Malaysian Youths who finished their High School are require to be in the program if they are selected.

Basically, its a 3-months stint compared to Singapore's 2 years stint. And the Malaysian NS includes both boys and girls. ( Too bad for Girls who are/were selected )

So in the camp, you wil be trained to be like a soldier, run like a soldier, think like a soldier, sleep like a soldier, eat like a soldier and go to toilet like a soldier. So when you come out of the camp you will feel like a soldier. How cool is that right ?

You get to hold a real-gun and shoot with it. You get to hold a real-gun and run a few kilometres with it also. Superb soldier training to transform our youths into killing machines, so if war ever broke out, you can see all the youths rise up and depend their very country. Malaysia, negaraku tercinta.

Well, I know it's so random for me talking bout NS suddenly. But that was what I was talking with Tham, his sis and another 2 friends during Earth Hour. Nice topic to kill time.

Earth Hour, Save the Hour

Monday, March 30, 2009


Hey wassup all,

I'm back at my campus room. loved the weekend at crown and tham's parents place. Will talk about that maybe tomorrow.

Anyway here are some pictures of places I've been and done past weekends.

Definition of Messy :

Having a game at Andika's apartment ( small white circle says Dealer )

I look weird here lol.

Melbourne State Library : Our usual meeting point before going anywhere

Cross Culture Church

Tham's parents Honda Jazz. Purple so nice xD

Trying on a pair of specs at Paris Miki

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Argh.............. the Ferrari event was today................ noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Nvm. cause my friend gave me a nice souvenir from the event. a Ferrari DieCast Model. o.0

Today is a lovely day. Highest marks for Economics this time round. Gonna treat myself this weekend. wakakakakaa

A protest in the city regarding the war in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

A gloomy picture of the path I walk to my residential hall some time ago.

A Leng Chai standing outside a wooden fort for a Korea film.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Another Day Goes By

Here I am, sitting here thinking and writing this to pass my time. no assessments and my studies are all done for now.

Tomorrow, there's soccer training, aww hope my legs wont hurt again after running up and down the field for an hour.

This weekend is the F1 fever in Melbourne as this year will be the 1st twilight F1 race ever held in the history of F1. Tickets cost $99, anyone wanna sponsor me ? anyhow for those who are not going to the race, this Friday, I heard there will be a F1 car drive in the city. oooooooooo

Anyhow, here are some pics.

At Albert Street, Tribeca Apartments

Spotted this car while on the way to the bus stop. The real deal of Myvi. Toyota Passo if not mistaken. looks the same anyway.

My ride for the day. = )

My new pair of soccer shoes. pa-rap-pa-pa-pa. I'm Lovin It.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday UnBlues

Its monday again, and the normal routine is back again.

had 5 hours of class today. was most delighted during maths lesson. as once again i got the highest in maths test. 96/100. sweet.

ate pasta and beef stew during lunch.

its actually a bit cold today at 18*C but its gonna go up in the next few days to ard 20 - 25
during the weekend. there was a greek festival in the city. where there was greek food and culture dances/song performance.

The games stall at the greek festival. boring.

The mixture of crowd at the greek festival

Some performance by a greek band

Entrance into Victoria Tower of Tribeca Apartments

Victoria Apartment and an internet cafe below on ground floor

The Wharton Block

L-R = Victoria, Albert, Wharton

Victoria Brewery a.k.a Tribeca Apartments

Tribeca apartments is on Victoria Parade which is a beautiful road full of trees nicely lined up and tram rails are in the middle.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Concept Blue Apartment

Here are pictures of the facilities in Concept Blue Apartment where Tham's apartment is, and where I stay on the weekends.

The Gym

Steam Room

Sauna Room

Swimming Pool

Tired. Pictures

Today, is a tiring day. I have never run till feeling so exhausted. Prolly its the hot weather and the dryness of the air. Anyway today football practice was awesome. played a full 60-minute game. Here are some pictures I've taken since I came here.

Bee statues outside PriceWaterHouseCoopers at Southbank

Camel =) at Queen Elizabeth Market

BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF. all half price after 1pm lol

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Earthquake Felt

today was the st tie i felt an earthquake

4.26pm while taking a short nap. i got shock instantly by this strong force as the building shake.
It was scary and it lasted for 20 seconds. I could actually felt the building move and my bed was totally shaking.

Went out of my room and saw my other floormates opening their doors as well and we just stared blankly at each other. lol

Message my other fren, and he said he felt the shake as well.

ITS HOT AND IS SHAKY. Melbourne's weird + scary + shaky

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cultures being Crossed

Last Sunday, went to a church in the city. It's called Cross Culture Church.

About 60% of the congregation is aseans. I have a feeling to continue going to this church.
This month is Pray for Indonesia month, we got into groups of 4-5 and started praying for Indonesia. As Indonesia has conflicts between Islam groups towards the Cristian community there and a vast majority is Islam about 88% and there are millions of people in Indonesia who have not hear the good news of the Lord, we pray that they will come to know the Lord and enter his glorious kingdom.

This Tuesday is Sue Zann birthday. =p. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. miss you so much.

Bought a basketball and soccer boots today. = ) have slim down =.= my jeans keep falling off.

Weather in Melbourne is strange. I'll tell you why

Saturday - Tuesday = 13-19 celcius
Wednesday - Friday = 23-27 celcius

27 celcius feels hot somehow over here

Monday, March 9, 2009

Moomba Water Festival

On 6-9 March, Melbourne was in a festival mood with the Moomba festival which is held on the Yarra River.

When to the festival on 7th which is a Saturday. Let me put my activities in a sequence on what I did that day.

10am - 12pm = study economics
12pm - 12.30pm = bath and wash up
12.30pm - 3pm = went to Ikea with my Indonesia friend and his sister @ Richmond
3pm - 4pm = check out my friend's newly moved-in apartment at Collins Street
4pm - 6pm = play pool at Bourke Street. $15 for 2 hour. (the cheapest in Melbourne)
6pm - 6.30pm = went for dinner at Chinatown (Msian food, so not nice)

Then after dinner was walking back to apartment along Swanston street, then I bump into my other friend who was having dinner with one of his friends in a restaurant. Went into the restaurant and chat a bit, then we decided to walk along Yarra River. Then I just remembered that there is a festival going on.

We took quite a number of pics and we enjoyed the carnival/festival and the fireworks was superb. Then we all bought Light sabers. hahahaha.

Then on the way walking out of the festival area, I met Amirah and her friend Iman. Such coincidence to bump into her, in a plce where there were hundereds/thousands of people.

10.30pm = Went to Coles Supermarket to do some grocery shopping for food supply.
11.00pm = Reach back at Apartment and finish studying economics.

Here are some pictures :

Flinders Street Station

Some illuminating tower

Tung Herr and Me

Me, Wayne and some random fairy

Me and Tung Herr in front of Federation Square

Me and Wayne

Some kind of game at Moomba

Carnival Games at Moomba

=p ciaozzz

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Me, Ezra and Tommy at Klia. Miss you guy lots, 89 !!!!
Me, Ezra, JA and Tommy.

My family. miss you all lots.

Nice name for a drink. xD found in Aus.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

G'day frm Australia

Hey mates,

I'm doing much better now. Home-sickness had reduce quite a lot now after I settled in already. Getting use to the life here, how the system and so on works and operates.

Met a Msian guy in my class and an Indon. Pretty close now. And the Msian guy friend is Tung Her, whom is currently studying in RMIT (only SriKdu ppl will know him) good to meet old high school people.

My class is an International class for now which is so much smaller then a normal degree class.

My International Business Class - 18 ppl
Normal Degree Class - 200-300 ppl

my class is the smallest currently. xD. so we get more attention and got more oppurtunity to ask the lecturer when we don't know something.

My class has no Aussies but people from all over the world like China, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Oman and Sri Lanka.

It was super windy yesterday, dust went into my eye many times yesterday. =.=
Today, was a bit windy + cold.

I'll be uploading pics soon.

TaTa for now